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Flirting 10 Top Tips



Tips by Lisa Daily

10 top flirt tips

You don’t have to look like Jennifer Aniston (or Brad Pitt) to turn on the guy (or girl) of your dreams. All you need is your fabulous smile and a few sure-fire flirting tips like the ones you’ll find below to attract the opposite sex.

For women, the key is to look approachable enough for men to feel comfortable in taking a risk. For men, the secret is in showcasing your masculinity. That doesn’t mean that you have to participate in WWF.

1.) Lock Eyes
Lock eyes with the person you’re flirting with for a full five to six seconds, then smile and drop your gaze. Don’t stare a hole through the guy’s forehead for goodness sake, just give him a smouldering come-hither look and look away. Do this at least three times in a ten to fifteen-minute period. Why? Your target needs to know it’s them you’re flirting with, and eye contact is a universal signal of openness, Try this with confidence.

2.) Smile
Smiling is absolutely the most effective tool in your flirting toolbox. Psychologists and body language experts agree that one of the most important things you can do to make yourself more attractive (and approachable) is to smile. Not a giant plastic used car salesman smile, just your normal “I’m having a great time and I’m happy to be here” face will do the trick. According to body language expert Patti Wood, “the smile is the international signal of friendliness.” Guys, if you lock eyes and smiles with a woman three or more times in an evening, you have received a clear signal that she’s interested. Make your move, head on over and start up a conversation. If you don’t, somebody else will take your seat.

3.) Neck use like pigeon not like giraffe
One of the most winning flirting techniques a woman can use is the exposure of her neck. This can be done with a head tilt to one side, the classic hair flip, or my personal favourite, the over-the-shoulder glance, exposes your neck, and gives you the opportunity to lock eyes. The over-the-shoulder move is extra-effective because it’s sexy and it sends a signal to your target that they are worth a second look.

4.) Preen Like A Peacock
We tend to preen or groom ourselves subconsciously when we’re attracted to someone, by smoothing down our hair or clothes, checking our lipstick in a compact, or straightening a tie. Try combining a grooming gesture with a smile and a gaze. Another trick? Toss your hair to one side. This classic move is a double whammy that combines preening and a flash of neck. Need we say more? doesn’t meant to dance in garden.

5.) Lip Service
Both men and women are subconsciously attracted to red, moist lips because they signal youth, sex and fertility. How to make the most of it? For women, try wearing a red lipstick (red has been shown to increase a man’s heart rate), which not only gives your lips that youthful color, but also makes your smile more visible and your teeth whiter. A super-shiny lip gloss can also give you an advantage, making your lips look moist and kissable. For both men and women, try licking your lips (subtlety is key here, you don’t want to look like you’re trying out for a porno flick.) or biting your lower lip – both are extremely effective flirting behaviours

6.) Cross Your Legs (Women)
Crossing and uncrossing your legs is another sure-fire flirting technique, especially if you’re wearing high heels. The act of crossing your legs is quite seductive to men, and it makes them desire to see more. Another key seduction trick is slipping your heel out of your shoe and dangling it on your toes. The arch of the foot sends a sexual message and mimics a woman’s curves, and sends a man’s heart racing.

7.) Square Your Shoulders (Men)
Women are biologically attracted to more dominant men, so stand tall with your shoulders back. Feel free to take up some space. For men who are victims of the “nice guy” badge, or who appear to be too submissive to attract women, try taking your Y chromosome out for a spin. According to spatial psychologist Albert Mehrabian, men should “try wearing bulkier or more conservative hairstyles or clothing,” hold your head up, and speed up your speech and gestures to be more assertive.

8.) Let Your Feet Do The Talking
According to body language expert Wood, you want to make yourself a “safe” (read approachable) target. Wood says “to be very approachable women should stand with their feet no farther than 6 inches apart with toes pointed slightly inward. “
For men, appearing more dominant effectively draws female attention. To attract women, stand with your feet 6-10 inches apart, and your toes pointing outward.

9.) Be a Mimic
People mirror each other’s body language when they are attracted with similar gestures, voice volume, etc. Try subtly mimicking your flirting target’s behaviour. If she leans forward, you lean forward. If he scratches his head, you scratch your head. If you are mirroring someone’s behavior, they’ll begin to feel as though the two of you are connected and “in tune.”

10.) Focus, Focus, Focus.
Once you and your flirting target have started talking, use these tips to deepen the attraction. First, smile and maintain eye contact as they are speaking, and focus all of your attention on what they are saying. There is rarely anyone more attractive than someone who finds you utterly fascinating. Other key moves, the nod and the head tilt – signal you’re listening to what the other person has to say. Smiling and laughing are crucial here – it’s the quickest, easiest way to put another person at ease and make a connection. Finally, another effective flirting technique is low-level touching such as brushing the shoulder or elbow.

How to tell if a woman is flirting with you? Look for the signs above, especially extended eye contact, low-level touching and laughing.
How to tell if a guy is flirting with you? Again, the signs above are fantastic indicators, but men tend to take things a little further by demonstrating their social status with moves that can include, flashing cash and talking about their occupations and (you guessed it) cars.
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1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Joesph Klingaman

    September 11, 2010 at 3:27 am

    Great Information, thanks for your useful Post. I will come back later , Also great information about flirting : Singles

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103 Years old Granny on “Facebook Highway” : World Record




Super Gran Facebook

All grandparents are awesome, that is an undeniable fact of life. But some are more awesome than others, and Lillian Lowe ranks highly in my opinion.

How old is the oldest person you are friends with on Facebook? I’m guessing none will be as old as Lillian Lowe from Tenby in Wales. Because at 103-years-old, she is believed to be the oldest person in the world to use Facebook. Even more amazing is the fact she accesses the social networking site via her Grandson’s iPad.

Already known to her grandchildren as Super Gran, they have now re-nicknamed her Superhighway Gran after she joined Facebook despite being several generations older than the average Facebook user. At the moment Lowe has around 30 friends, mostly family, but with the story of her presence on the site spreading around the Web that is sure to rise. That is, at least, if she decides to accept the mountain of friend requests heading her way.

Lowe told Tenby Today:

It’s a wonderful way of finding out about things, but I must say it’s a dreadful time waster!

Her grandson Steve Lowe, who helped set her up on the site and who lends her his Apple iPad to check it regularly, commented:

What’s great about Gran is that she’s not afraid to take things on and is always willing to learn – she’s a great inspiration to us all.

Lowe is thought to be the oldest Facebook user in the world as the former holder of that title, Ivy Bean, sadly passed away earlier this year at the ripe old age of 104. Bean was also considered to be the oldest Twitter user as well, but though Lowe knows what Twitter is, she isn’t yet using the site. Give it time.

This may be a fun little story on the surface but actually it’s one that demonstrates age is no barrier to using technology and the Internet. The iPad, and tablets in general, could help older people take the plunge and begin to explore computers and the Web. And that is something I’d love to see happen more and more.

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10-year girl becomes mother in Spain : Father 13 Year Old




10 year old Mother in Spain- Courtesy 9 News

MADRID:  10 year old girl has given birth in southern Spain and  authorities are evaluating whether to let her and her family retain custody of the baby, an official said on Tuesday.

The baby was born last week in the city of Jerez de la Frontera, said Micaela Navarro, who is the Andalusia region’s minister of social affairs.

Navarro told reporters the father of the baby is also a minor, and both the mother and the baby were in good health. Her department declined to give further details , such as the sex of baby.

The father of the 2.9-kilo (6.4-pound) baby was 13 years old and had remained in Romania, she said, describing him as her daughter’s former boyfriend.

The young mother “is very well, very well, like the daughter who is very well and very pretty,” Olimpia was quoted as saying.

The 10-year-old, discharged after three days at a hospital in nearby Jerez where she gave birth, “is very happy with her daughter. This is a great joy. It is not a drama,” she reportedly said.

National daily said the number of births to girls aged under 15 in Spain had climbed to 178 births in 2008 from 80 in 1997.

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Telenor Ad’s Disgracing and giving Disrespect to Women




BY : Mrs. Mehvish Imran

Telenor - Applying Western Culture

Telenor’s new TV commercial ‘internet more” is based on disgraceful words used against women who form more than 51% of the population of Pakistan. Labeling a college girl as “Taza Hawa Ka Jhonka”, it shows the degradation of society as a whole. It is a source of resentment and an assault on sanctity of women for many believing in social values.

The misuse of technology i.e. mobile internet service has been promoted unethically targeting immature minds of college and school going students. Setting aside the responsibility as a corporate entity, telenor preferred immoral language to promote its services among present and prospective users across the country.

“Jisay Moqa Patay hi Talha Nain Kar Dya TAG” is an offensive street language used in Telenor’s advertisement against women. It’s an insult to one’s intelligence and need to be condemned widely.

Multinationals are expected to follow values that show respect to individuals. Whenever they derail from this, they not only offend their customers but also the larger community they operate in. They are least expected to pick the regressive parts of popular culture and give them a lease of life.

Media’s power to influence public opinion is on the rise in Pakistan. The spread of a message has been increased drastically with the coming in of private TV Channels. At this point of time commercial entities promoting goods and service must work with the highest sense of responsibility. Can Telenor avoid letting down those who are struggling for better gender sensitive society in Pakistan?

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